Thursday, July 23, 2020

First post...testing testing testing!

This is an experiment, I never thought I would sign up for a blog.

But having just come back to wargaming to fill empty time during lockdown, finding myself getting enthusiastic over a new set of rules, and digging out some old solo play scenarios and adapting them for use with the new ruleset, I realised there was a hole. All my old notes have disappeared, and I found myself wishing I could better remember the course of the games.

So nowadays I actually have a decent(ish) camera (okay, so it's an iPad) and I started to take some pictures of games in progress. That naturally led to writing notes on what had happened, in electronic form this time. And that led to the thought that I should tie the pictures and words together in some better way.

But rather than stick them into any old document, it then occurred to me it would make sense to put them into a platform that seems much more suited for this sort of thing, as well as being more portable and shareable - and here we are!

Now I just have to figure out how this stuff works...

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